Star Wars: KotOR Review

GameCell has tossed up a review of Star Wars: KotOR, giving the Xbox RPG an overall score 9/10. A snippet:

KOTOR is a THE best Start Wars game ever and is an essential purchase for any XBOX owner – it provided well over 35hrs of engrossing game play to me, but it is not perfect. Being an RPG it suffers what many games of this type do – a cap on the experience points, which is not that bad a thing, but the cap does come too early, and if you play the game to 100% (or as close as you can get) you can’t help but feel you could have gained a couple more levels. Also the point at which you become a Jedi does (I feel) come a little early. However this is just nitpicking and points which you don’t actually notice until you finish the game.

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