Star Wars: KotOR Review

SpinXero has posted their review of KotOR. The article is extremly positive, giving the game a rating of 97%. Here is a bit of the review:

Once your prospective Jedi is ready you obviously get to the actual game and here is where BioWare’s experience pays off. The game plays almost exactly like Baldur’s Gate I/II, so if you are somewhat familiar with those games you know what to expect. For those poor souls who have not played either, what you can expect is this: Tons of dialog, an engrossing story, intuitive combat and well, average at best graphics (I’ll get to that later). Lets begin with the story since it is what will keep you playing. This one is impressive and is presented as such. From the introduction, done in true Star Wars style, to the very end you will be hooked. There are twists and turns and in the process you will decide the fate of the Republic, the Sith, your friends and yourself. When you are done you will be able to sit back and look at what you accomplished and feel satisfied (if only for a few seconds until you realize that there is no sequel announced). Yes the story is that good. Not only do you have the main story to take in, but you also have tons of side quests and the quests and stories of your comrades. The backgrounds of your friends are well thought out and truly give them character, transforming them from mere “organic meatbags” into full fledged characters that you can care about.

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