Star Wars: KotOR Previews

Two previews of the PC version of BioWare and LucasArts’ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic have hit the web. The first is over at IGN:

Even if these new additions and the two paths through the game might aren’t enough to get Xbox owners to play through the PC version as well, there are still more surprises waiting in store. For one, there’s an entirely new area you can visit. The space station around Yavin (from the first film) is a new locale that offers a chance to buy most of the new items in the game. But though it makes a nice shopping area, there are some new story elements and combat encounters that will play out here. The space station also gives you the opportunity to meet a new race, the Trandoshans. These lizard dudes are best known through the character of Bossk, the bounty hunter from The Empire Strikes Back.

And the second is at GameSpot:

The PC version of the game will also fix a few technical issues from the original game, such as the bug that occasionally caused the your character’s list of upcoming combat actions to freeze up if you added too many skills to the queue. Since Knights of the Old Republic will be a huge, fully 3D game, its minimum system requirements will include a 1GHz processor and 128MB of RAM for Windows 98 users, and a hefty 256MB of RAM for Windows XP users (512MB is recommended). Knights of the Old Republic is scheduled for release this November.

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