Star Wars: KotOR Preview

The guys at IGN were lucky enough to get their hands on a preview build of LucasArts and BioWare’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and have written up a preview based upon what they’ve seen so far. Here’s a little something to get you started:

The production of the in-game movies is top notch. There are better lines of dialogue, character development and subplots in KOTOR than in any Star Wars movie we’ve seen in the last five years. The voice-acting talent is top notch from top to bottom and the alien creatures all speak in their native tongues. You’ll hear wookies barking and howling and Greedos making their didgeridoo noises but English subtitles always appear the bottom of the screen. You can skip from one piece of text to the next if you don’t feel like listening to characters explain everything but the lip-synching always catches up to the next block of dialogue no matter what. The story is just unfolding and thankfully there’s a journal that keeps track of the entire text of recent conversations and a quest tracker that records especially important information –even if it’s not clear why it’s important just yet. If what we’ve seen so far is any indication there’s a whole lot of story, not to mention a bunch of planets and vehicles, still to come in Knights of the Old Republic.

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