Star Wars: KotOR Preview

The guys at Ferrago have dished up a preview of BioWare’s next RPG, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. An excerpt:

    KOTOR will offer a universe spanning ten different worlds, which includes familiar favorites as well as completely new ones. Expect to travel to such places as Tatooine, the Sith world of Korriban, the Jedi Academy on Dantooine and the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. The player’s home will be the Ebon Hawk, a familiar-looking predeccessor to a certain famous Corellian smuggler’s “fastest hunk-o’-junk” in the galaxy. Players will be able to “live” inside the ship, interact with others, and even fly her about during certain challenges. Think of the Ebon Hawk as the “100 gil” per night Inn that you take with you everywhere you go (for purposes of explaining its role within this massive RPG). It can also act as a storage depot for the extra items you or your Wookie are finding a little too cumbersome to lug around.
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