Star Wars: KotOR PC Version Impressions

GameSpot has updated their impressions of the PC version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, based upon a press event with LucasArts. Check it out:

For now, the official line on Knights of the Old Republic for the PC is that it will effectively be the Xbox version, enhanced with all of the PC-specific accoutrements you’d expect; scalable graphics settings, multiple video resolutions, and a keyboard-and-mouse-style control scheme will of course be available. As for actual new or changed content and features that will be included in the game, Torres told us that the team is currently mulling over a list of possibilities but isn’t ready to announce anything publicly at this time. As for the size of the game, it sounds like KOTOR will occupy a whopping four CDs–this surely owes to the enormous amount of spoken dialogue in the game. When asked about the feasibility of a DVD version of KOTOR on the PC, Torres said that the current installed base of DVD-ROMs is being examined but that the game would probably only see a release on CD.

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