Star Wars: KotoR Interview

GameSpot has conducted an interview with BioWare’s Greg Zeschuk and Casey Hudson, asking the co-executive producer and project director several questions about Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. A snippet to follow:

Q: Obviously, a lot went into the development of Knights of the Old Republic–writing a lengthy story, developing a branching gameplay structure, and working with a licensed property, to name just a few. What was the most challenging aspect of developing the game?

A: I think the most challenging aspect of building the game was honing the interface for a very detailed combat system while keeping it simple enough to maintain the fun factor. We are sticklers for quality interfaces at BioWare. The challenge we always face is to deliver a very in-depth gameplay experience while keeping the interface nonobtrusive. An additional challenge was to make sure the interface was carefully designed for the PC platform. In coplatform development we always focus on naturalizing the experience for each platform. The result is that each version is really great, and there are no compromises. For the PC version, we have been focusing on interface design right up to the completion phase, and we think we’ve outdone ourselves in delivering a really well-balanced experience.

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