Star Wars: KotOR Interview

The guys at Xbox Gamers have conducted an interview with Teresa Cotesta, BioWare’s Communications Coordinator, about their next RPG for both the Xbox and PC, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Take a look:

Q: Will Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic be developed only for Xbox and how will it take advantage of the Xbox hardware?

A: BioWare is developing the game for both the Xbox and PC with the Xbox version scheduled to be released first, in the spring of 2003. For both versions of the game, our goal is to create a cinematic experience that makes players feel like they are inside a great Star Wars movie. With the unique power of the Xbox, we’re able to use special shaders to create an almost photographic render quality, through the use of environment mapping, bump-mapping and per-pixel flares. Dynamic lighting and stencil buffer dynamic character shadows further enhance the visuals and provide players an unprecedented sense of immersion. You’ll see starships and birds flying in the skies, dust swirling around your feet on Tatooine, and grass blowing in the wind on the plains of Dantooine. We’ve really worked hard to ensure players feel like they’re in a Star Wars movie and the power of the Xbox was critical in helping us achieve that goal.

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