Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords Interview

Valhalla Gamers has conducted an interview with Obsidian’s Feargus Urquhart, asking the CEO quite a few questions about their upcoming Star Wars: KotOR sequel. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Q: The Obsidian forums have been buzzing with activity since KOTOR2 was officially announced, how often do you get to read those boards? Next part of that would be given the sheer volume of posts, how many legitimate suggestions actually get taken under consideration and can you give me an example of a fan suggestion that was implemented into the game?

A: I get up there a few times week along with all the other message forums I read, however other than about 3am PST, there is always someone from Obsidian lurking up there. What has been a little tough is that we were pretty far along in development before the title was announced, so we haven’t been able to implement any far reaching fan suggestions. We are trying to make as many changes as we can though. A small example is that a bunch of fans have asked for different lightsaber hilts to be able to differentiate lightsabers from one another and also because it would be cool to have them look differently. While we haven’t implemented this yet, I’m guessing we will be able to soon.

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