Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Just in case you still can’t decide whether or not to pick up a copy of Star Wars: KotOR II, there are three more reviews of the game to digest. The first is at Gamers Europe with an overall score of 9/10:

I could wax lyrical about this game all day, but the bottom line is you really should try it for yourself. For those of you who might still be wary of taking on a big role playing effort, it says a lot about the basic quality of the game that a friend of mine who’s an RPG-hating non-Star Wars fan still loved it. Yes, it will take time and perseverance, but like most things in life putting in a bit of initial effort is ultimately a hugely rewarding and worthwhile experience.

The second is at Gamer’s Hell with an overall score of 9.2/10:

It is more than a worthy successor to the original game, and it continues the strong tradition that Bioware started with an epic space opera of morality and thought provoking decisions that affect the lives of both individuals and entire cultures. The Knights of the Old Republic series may someday become a rehashed cash-in that attempts to continue riding the coat tails of its successful forefathers to market success, but today is not that day. Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords is one of the best games of 2005.

And the third is at GameShark with an overall score of 3.5/5:

KOTOR2’s storyline is just as good and epic as that of the first game’s, and this alone makes it well worth experiencing for any RPG fan, but add in the still-solid (if a little unbalanced) combat system and lots of fun little mini-games and side-quests, as well as a huge exploration factor and lots of dialogue choices, and it’s easy to see why Knights of the Old Republic 2 is a (must-have) title. I genuinely wish however that the game had been polished up into a more stable state before being released, because I know the plethora of bugs are going to drive away a lot of people (and almost did the same to me), which is a fate this game definitely does not deserve. Despite my fond words, I strongly recommend waiting word of a patch before picking the game up, or risk being alienated from the game before it has a chance to truly suck you in. I don’t know what happened to force this game into the market when it clearly needed at least another couple of weeks of fix-up time, but now that it’s here, all I can state is that KOTOR2 is a really good RPG, but only if you’re part of the lucky minority that can run the game with none of the huge technical problems everyone else is suffering from.

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