Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Two more very positive reviews for LucasArts and Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR II have made their way to the web. The first is at Prophecy with an overall score of 9/10:

It’s been slim pickings for RPG fans of late, but Knights of the Old Republic II is finally here, and everything we’d hoped for. Knights of the Old Republic II not only does the original justice, but improves on it, and that’s certainly the highest praise we can offer it.

And the second is at GameGuru Mania with an overall score of 88%:

Despite some unsightly bugs, if you’re an RPG or Star Wars fan, you should not miss out on this game. The role playing and combat are just plain fun. And there is almost limitless replay value for playing the different alignments. So, if you are excited in going through another KOTOR adventure, you will be very pleased.

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