Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Three new reviews for Star Wars: KotOR II have made their way to the web over the past couple of days. The first is at UGO with an overall score of “A-“:

In all, KOTOR II is a highly satisfying and rewarding game to play, if you have the time and commitment necessary to devote to it. Although it has some bugs, there is so much enjoyable and in-depth gameplay that any drawbacks are generally mild. Chances are, you’ll get addicted to this game because it allows you to finally take control of the Star Wars galaxy.

The second is at Gamer’s Hell with an overall score of 9.2/10:

However, despite the aforementioned complaints, I still must conclude that Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords is a masterpiece. It is more than a worthy successor to the original game, and it continues the strong tradition that Bioware started with an epic space opera of morality and thought provoking decisions that affect the lives of both individuals and entire cultures. The Knights of the Old Republic series may someday become a rehashed cash-in that attempts to continue riding the coat tails of its successful forefathers to market success, but today is not that day. Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords is one of the best games of 2005.

And the third is at ActionTrip with an overall score of 73/100:

The sequel offers plenty of hours of fun – we’re talking 20-30 hours of playtime here, being wrapped in a story that will surely keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. KOTOR 2 does possess the same addictive qualities that made me fall in love with the original, and that is why I had a strong desire to play on. In terms of the final score, I was prepared to disregard most of the drawbacks if only the game hadn’t performed so horribly for me at critical moments. It should be noted that I haven’t played the aforementioned missions on my NVIDIA rig, but that’s no excuse if the game runs like this on the second most popular GPU on the market. Should I blame ATI or should I place the blame on Obsidian? I have no clue really, and it’s not my business to weigh on such matters. All I know is that the horrible performance, a few random crashes, and other minor bugs have severely diminished my enjoyment of an otherwise addictive and excellently written Star Wars RPG.

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