Star Wars: KotOR II Review

Three new reviews for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic have popped up over the last couple of days. The first is at with an overall score of 9.7/10:

Once you have beaten both the light side and the dark side parts of the game there really isn’t much to go back for. The good news is that the game will last you about 30-35 hours if you don’t get stuck. The game is fun from the time you put it into your X-Box until the time you take it out. This is a game that you should not miss out on. If you don’t have the first KOTOR you should buy it as its about $20(Cdn.) used. Having both these games will last you for about 100 hours if you beat both games on the dark side and the light side. This game is not for everyone though, there are a few people who don’t like KOTORI and won’t like KOTORII. So if you are unsure about weather you should pick it up you should give it a rent and see how you like it first.

The second is at Sphinx’s Sanitarium with no overall score:

Fans of the original KoTOR 1 and Star Wars fans will probably easily overlook these shortcomings but I feel it’s important to be honest about them. While I played through KoTOR 1 at least five times, I’m uncertain if the shortcomings in KoTOR 2 will make that a desirable option. Maybe I just need to play it a few more times.

And the third is at Gamestyle with an overall score of 7/10:

The opening and middle sections of KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords are spent on the run, avoiding confrontation with the Sith. The first planet is a virtual reprise from the first game, as you strive to escape via the Ebon Hawk. Only when you’ve reached the outer rim do you realise that the shackles of linearity have been loosened: instead of being magnetically drawn to your next destination, you have the choice of several. This brings up a process of trial and error – because when native creatures prove too powerful, you can always skip across the galaxy in search of easier objectives. This superficial freedom makes for a welcome change, but the open-endedness quite often leads to a familiar destination: ‘bug city’.

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