Star Wars: KotOR II Restored Content Mod Interview

Ars Technica caught up with Deadly Stream’s “Stoney” and quizzed the project leader about his team’s ambitious Star Wars: KotOR II Restored Content mod.  It sounds like the mod is only going to be available in beta form for awhile:

While the mod has yet to be finalized, the project is much closer to completion than other fan-led restoration efforts for the game. When asked about how it felt to be so close to releasing the finished version of the mod, Stoney voiced feelings of vindication and satisfaction. “It feels good,” he said, “I’ll feel better when the final release is actually done, then I’ll be taking a break for awhile.” Of course, the question on everyone’s mind is “when will the final build be released?”

To that, Stoney can’t provide a definite answer. “[That’s] hard to say, it depends on how many bugs we find and how long it takes us to fix them.”

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