Star Wars: KotOR II Preview

RPGVault has put together a preview of Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords, after seeing the RPG firsthand at LucasArts Editor’s Day. Check it out:

One major character was introduced at the event. Darth Sion is a Sith Lord boss. Both Parker and LucasArts’ Producer Mike Gallo were mum as to whether he’s the main antagonist, but it was clear he will appear more than once as the adventure plays out. In the demo, he was aboard a ship called the Harbinger, an event that apparently takes place fairly early on, and that seems to mark his first appearance. He debuts via a lengthy cutscene, almost all of which was removed so as not to provide story spoilers. Visually, he’s very easy to see as evil incarnate, his torn, scabrous, mutated body held together by the combined force of sheer hatred and the power of the Dark Side. If he’s not the ultimate villain – and since it was stated there are other Sith Lords, my guess would be he isn’t – it will be interesting indeed to see who is.

This encounter involves a battle between Darth Sion and your party of three. One of the NPC followers is Atton Rand, a scoundrel-like individual who was previously shown at E3. What was pointed out this time was a rather interesting ability he possesses. During combat, he can be knocked down, but not out unless the entire group is defeated. Otherwise, he gets up and returns to the fray within a few seconds. The third member was a female. I didn’t catch her identity, but since there was no mention of her being new, it was probably either Krea or Mira, both revealed previously.

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