Star Wars: KotOR II Planet Profile & More

IGN PC has posted an article that details the planet of Telos in Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR II. A snippet:

In orbit around the planet is the enormous Citadel Station, from where the Ithorians in charge of the planet’s recovery carefully monitor and manipulate the ecology of the planet below. While within the station, refugees and workers are housed in sparse apartments, with very few luxuries. Most occupants work the docking bays, or are part of the station’s live-in security force. Leisure time is spent at one of the cantinas – mingling with the few travelers that are passing through this part of the galaxy. A shuttle system allows transportation to the planet below for the few who help the restoration effort.

In addition to the article, they’ve also released several new screenshots and a four-minute flyby video of Telos.

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