Star Wars: KotOR II Interview

RPGVault has conducted an interview with LucasArts’ Mike Gallo and Obsidian’s Chris Avellone & Chris Parker about the upcoming Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic sequel. Check it out:

Q: What are you doing to meet the lofty expectations for the story and the game as a whole? And what does Obsidian bring to the project that will be new, fresh or otherwise different?

Mike Gallo: As I mentioned earlier, we started the design process in much the same way we did with the first game – with a list of things that we all liked about the Star Wars movies, and what made that universe so compelling. We wanted to work with Obsidian because of their previous experience with RPGs, we all wanted a darker storyline with The Sith Lords, and we felt that Obsidian fit that perfectly.

Chris Parker: As far as meeting lofty expectations, we are just working as hard as we can to make the best game we can. We are extremely happy with what we’ve been able to accomplish. Of course, there will always be other things we wished we had time to do, but I think overall, we’ve been able to craft an experience we think people will really get into.

As for the freshness, I think you will see a lot of things that are slightly different or unexpected about how The Sith Lords plays, things that we just wanted to do differently and also things that we thought should be changed to make them better. So, while you will have intriguing conversations with your party members and typically they will follow you around like KOTOR, you’ll also do things like have side quests where they are on their own or in small groups without the player character. We did that so that you get to know party members better and get that Star Wars-y element where all the characters go their separate ways and wind up victorious together in the end.

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