Star Wars: KotOR II E3 Preview

TeamXbox has put together a preview of Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords, based upon what they saw of the Xbox RPG sequel at this year’s E3. A snippet:

KotOR II will feature more than 60 new Force Powers with many oldie but goodies returning as well. Two of the new ones demonstrated at E3 were Force Sight and Force Crush. Force Sight allows you to see through doors and even to be aware of the alignment of characters around you (red=evil, blue=light, grey=neutral). Force Crush is a very powerful Dark Side power in which you can pick up enemies and crush them like a grape. Another one mentioned was that of Force Clairvoyance which is a pre-sight type of power, allowing you to see various areas of a level.

As we mentioned previously, decision making will again play a key role in your character’s development, but in KotOR II it will also affect members of your party. More impressionable members will follow your path while other characters might turn on you altogether. This widens the scope that your decisions will have in determining the fate of the galaxy.

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