Star Wars: KotOR II E3 Preview

Deep Six has put together a preview of Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords, based upon some hands-on time they had with the RPG at this year’s E3. Here’s a snip to get you started:

Game play has the exact same flavor from the first game, however I just have to comment on how excellent the in game control scheme was. On an X-Box controller, you can control the character’s direction with the left anlog stick, and cycle through options with the left d-pad. The A button pretty much does everything else. If you need to go into the inventory, then you want the black button on the left side (I don’t know what that button is called, I don’t have an X-Box) which gets you to in game options. Left and right triggers cycle through the different menus, B quits, and the analog cycles through the different options on each menu. From here you can do pretty much all you could from the first game. Change a character’s clothing, armor, weapons, sheilds, etc. The one enhancement is that you can stock in two different sets of weapons for each character, and these weapons can be changed on the fly before and during combat just by selecting the option “switch weapons” on the dpad menu in game. If you want to switch party characters, that’s the black button on the right side. Pause is the white button.

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