Star Wars: KotOR II Dev Diary

GameSpy has released a developer diary for Star Wars: KotOR II entitled “In the Home Stretch”, in which Obsidian producer Chris Parker discusses wrapping up the game’s PC version (which ships on February 8th). A snippet to follow:

The programmers set to work on getting everything localized, and I had the unenviable task of localizing all the interfaces and putting any remaining finishing touches into the PC version. Our biggest challenge for the PC version was timing issues — in some cases cutscenes, which worked great on the Xbox, but failed on the PC. We had a list of these and set about getting them fixed first-thing so that Q/A could begin a full play-through of the game. At the same time, the LucasArts compatibility team put the game through the ringer and figured out what it worked for and what it didn’t. We got to work on what didn’t.

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