Star Wars: KotOR II Designer Diary #4

In GameSpot’s fourth designer diary for Star Wars: KotOR II, voice directors Will Beckman and Darragh O’Farrell discuss the challenges they encountered while creating the voice-overs for the game. A snippet:

Atton Rand was obviously intended to be something of a Han Solo type, possibly even voiced by a Han Solo imitator. We didn’t like the idea of imitation–after all, there’s only one Han Solo–so we decided to give the character more of a unique identity. We saw Atton as a rogue and scoundrel with something of a dark side. We still wanted someone whose voice reminded us of a young Harrison Ford but brought their own personality to the character. After going through a ton of auditions that all sounded pretty similar, we ended up casting Nicky Katt. Nicky is another one who could play this character on camera, because he looks a lot like how we pictured Atton based on the concept drawings. Nicky, in addition to being a great actor, also has the tempo and energy needed to carry that first part of the game where he has a lot of dialogue.

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