Star Wars: KotOR II Designer Diary #2

GameSpot has posted a three-page designer diary for Star Wars: KotOR II, in which Obsidian’s Chris Avellone shares his experiences in creating the RPG. A snippet to follow:

Before sitting down with your story, do some research. For example, with The Sith Lords, I sat down and watched each of the Star Wars movies again, read every single Star Wars novel and comic book, and even shackled myself to a chair and endured the “Star Wars Christmas Special.” (I incurred minimal drain bamage but did experience mildly impaired arithmetic skills that prevented me from counting or scripting anything properly.)

Anyway, the reason for this is simple: If you are working in someone else’s universe, know it inside and out. Know what’s been done in it, know what adventure seeds or game ideas have been done to death (or not done enough), know what bad ideas to stay away from, and know the parameters of the universe. If you’re using someone else’s genre, it usually comes with its own set of story-based bookends and parameters you need to consider when writing a story.

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