Star Wars: KotOR Chat Log

There’s a log of Friday’s chat with the developers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic over at GamesDomain. Here’s a snippet:

    Question: Even though its going to be fast paced, will there ever be a pause option anything like Baldur’s Gate?

    MikeG: You’ll be able to pause combat at any time, similar to Baldur’s Gate. The combat should be pretty intense!

    Question: Is the game going to be 40+ hours long?

    CaseyH: It’s tough to say exactly how long it will take to play through at this point. We’re aiming at something longer than your typical console RPG, but not quite as enormous as BG2.

    Question: Are there going to be stats that you choose at the beginning of the game, only in a more linear manner, like Torment?

    CaseyH: You’ll be able to choose quite a few things at the start of the game, such as assigning skill points, combat feats, etc. Then, you’ll be able to add to those throughout the game to build your character.

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