Star Wars: KotOR Article/Interview

The guys at ActionTrip let us know that they’ve had a chat with LucasArts producers Mike Gallo and Casey Hudson to find out more about the upcoming Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Quite a bit of new information is revealed in the article, which is filled with quotes from the above producers – such as the following paragraph:

    Wielding the Force was not always an easy task. Few are able to learn and harness its mystical powers. Many that have tried to master these skills were lured to the Dark Side of the Force and its evil ways. The “chasm” between the “dark” and “light” side plays an important part in Knights of the Old Republic. During the game your character is going to be faced with the all the temptations that come before a rookie force-wielder. This means that while improving your skills, you also have to determine which path your character will take in the ways of Force. “We want to give the player the opportunity to follow both the dark and light path, in a meaningful and satisfying way. This required us to create a story that has valid and compelling motivations for following either path, so that you’ll feel justified in your actions as well as being torn between right and wrong. There will be Force powers and feats that are associated with dark or light, which will help your develop your character further down your chosen path. Ultimately, the character that you finish the game with will be powerful in the Force, with an arsenal of powers and skills at your disposal,” claims Casey.
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