Star Wars Galaxies Wins Best Atmosphere in an MMORPG

RPGDot has announced the winner of their “Best Atmosphere in an MMORPG” for 2003, and the award goes to Star Wars Galaxies. A snippet:

There’s something to be said about familiarity, and SWG’s atmospheric environments were good enough to make the player believe that he was in places both familiar and alien at the same time, and that’s no small feat! The beauty of the landscapes was enough to make you pause atop a hill to admire the view. The herds of dewbacks on Tatooine, the lively buzz of sprawling cities, the foggy swamps, the dark forests, everything was there to make SWG’s atmosphere live up to what would be expected of alien worlds. But it also shrouded the wilderness in enough uncertainty to make you think twice about leaving the borders of the city.

Additionally, Final Fantasy XI took second place and Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis took third place.

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