Star Wars Galaxies Team Letter

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with another team letter, this time from QA manager Daniel Wilhite. A snippet, as usual:

I started playing with computers in 1983 while in college. The first computer game I played was on an IBM mainframe and it was a Star Trek battle game. The graphics on it consisted of a grid (made out of -, | and +) where the different starships (represented by * for good, # for bad) battled each other. And yes, I played that game for hours! Then I got a Mac and started playing “The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe”. No graphics, just text based entry and responses. I was hooked even more. After about 3 months of playing this game (between school, work and a couple of parties…it was college) I died at the end of the game because I didn’t pet the dog in the opening scene. For months after that I would pet dogs (real or imagined) every time I saw one. And for those that are wondering the imagined dogs were usually at or after some of the parties.

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