Star Wars Galaxies One Year Report

MMORPGDot has dished up a lengthy article that focuses on Star Wars Galaxies’ first year and whether or not the game is more fun to play now than it was at launch. An excerpt to follow:

You may remember that when the first reviews of SWG started popping up about a year ago, it was very common of reviewers to point out the flaws SWG was suffering from but also to underline the huge potential of the game.

This is unfortunately still true today. “Unfortunately” because you might expect that after a full year some of the potential would have been realized by now but that is just not the case.

The last year has seen the addition of mounts, vehicles, player cities (features that were originally supposed to be in at launch) and a few new dungeons plus the usual fixes. That’s basically it. There have been no substantial additions as far as the main theme of the game, The Galactic Civil War, or the genral “Star Wars-iness” is concerned.

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