Star Wars Galaxies Loot Revamp

Sony has announced that they are working on several enhancements to the loot system in Star Wars Galaxies. Sounds like a good deal for everyone, as long as they take crafting into consideration. Here’s a snip about that very topic:

Crafting is a very important part of Star Wars Galaxies, and it is very important to keep that in mind. To that end there are two things that we should make sure the new loot system encompasses. The first is that it shouldn’t negatively impact the crafting economy. In other words, players should not be able to use the loot system to bypass having to buy things from crafters. Secondly, the loot system should strengthen the relationship between crafters and combatants. Combatants should loot items that crafters need and want to make better craftable items. Combatants would then need and want the better crafted items to find more loot. Repeat as necessary.

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