Star Wars Galaxies Letter to the Community #2

SOE producer Grant McDaniel has penned a second letter to the community within the official Star Wars Galaxies forums, once again addressing questions about the upcoming Trials of Obi-Wan expansion. Here’s a taste:

Q: Mustafar sounds neat, but why not an expansion based on Hoth?

A: Wow, another good question! I think it is safe to say that almost everyone would like to see a Hoth expansion, ourselves included, and it is certainly something that we have discussed. To deliver the kind of exciting Hoth experience that we would want to offer our players we would need to integrate several new technologies into the game that don’t currently exist. This does not mean that we are not interested in doing something with Hoth, it just means that the planning and development timeframe is much longer and more involved. Furthermore, we believe that building on the excitement of Episode III by creating content that resonates to the movie is a great way to add more Star Wars style adventure to our game world while still staying true to our core fictional timeline. And, besides, it is a lot of fun!

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