Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed Preview

GameSpot has published an updated preview of Jump to Lightspeed, now that the Star Wars Galaxies expansion has officially been released. Check it out:

Since a lot of the Rebels that we play with regularly aren’t up in space yet, we’ve been spending a lot of our time flying solo, and more time than we’d like dying shortly after finding ourselves surrounded by enemies in ships more powerful than ours. We’re getting the hang of hyperspacing out of situations like that, though, and were pleased to see that performing any kind of jump into hyperspace in Jump to Lightspeed takes a minute or so to execute while your ship’s computer makes all of the necessary calculations–just like in the movies. When you die, you don’t lose your ship, but you will need to spend a few thousand credits or so getting it repaired, and as usual, the next time you land you’ll also need some attention from doctor and entertainer characters to heal your bodily wounds.

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