Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed Interview has conducted an interview with Sony’s Julio Torres and Kurt Stangl, in which the associate producer and community manager talk about the newly released Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion. Check it out:

Q: The combat system is great. Twitch base fighting style is a unique and very welcomed touch to the MMORPGs scene. Was this concept originally planned from the very beginning or did your team have other theories of combat before settling down with this style?

A: A few different styles of gameplay were considered for Jump to Lightspeed to start with – there are always many different angles to consider when creating a new type of gameplay experience. In the end, we decided to go with twitch-based gameplay because it was the only type that actually gave you the edge-of-your-seat thrill that people expect from a space battle in the Star Wars Universe.

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