Star Wars Galaxies Jedi Revamp First Look

Gamehelper is offering up a first look of Sony Online’s Jedi revamp for Star Wars Galaxies. An excerpt to follow:

What was stressed the most and adds an interesting element to gameplay is what role and consequences your actions will have as you defend (or destroy) the galaxy. If there are going to be a lot more Jedi running around, something has to be done about the ones who attack random non-player characters (it happens in every MMORPG). What was that quote, “do unto others as they do unto you”, or was it “with great power comes great responsibility?” Either way, this time being a Jedi is taken very seriously. If you wave your lightsaber around like a dirty body part in someone’s face, guards will come running, NPC’s will hate you, and eventually someone is going to hire a bounty hunter to take you out. Where’s a panic-stricken Jedi to go?

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