Star Wars Galaxies Interview

IGN’s SWG Vault has conducted an interview with LucasArts’ Julio Torres, in which the Star Wars Galaxies producer answers a large batch of questions about the MMORPG. Here’s a taste:

Q: We saw in a recent publish the elimination of apprenticeship experience points in order to attain master professions. Will this system stay this way or could we expect a new, dynamic system in the future which would demonstrate the original purpose of the teacher and apprentice relationship?

A: The apprentice experience points was a very good mechanism for the game, especially for very young servers full of players learning how to become masters, as time went by and more and more masters appeared in the game, the mechanism for the apprentice points became less and less interesting. By removing the apprentice points we intentionally made becoming a master more accessible. There are no current plans to bring the apprentice points.

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