Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time providing us with another short story entitled “Lost Treasure.” A little something to start you off:

Smirking in return, the Master Jedi chuckled, “No, that doesn’t explain how I made the hat.”

He continued, “The Force is created by all living things, but it flows through everything. It even flows through inanimate objects. The cube is a lens. It helps focus the flow of the Force as it passes through the cube and also the items placed within it.”

“By meditating and channeling the Force through the cube, it is possible to manipulate the inanimate objects inside, merging them to create something entirely new. Over the years, I have studied Force and how the things on this planet are amplified by the energy emanating from it’s core. Mustafar is a unique world with many secrets.”

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