Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time providing us with another short story called “A Trail in the Desert.” An excerpt:

I took her job and headed back into the desert. Kaesii was the closest thing I’d ever known to love and even though it was a long time ago, I was relieved she wasn’t working against the Empire. I don’t know how she was all wrapped up in this mess, but if she could lead me to Jabba (assuming Jabba had Brok’s cargo), I could finish this mission and she could stay alive as long as this didn’t end up in treason.

White Thranta; I had just left the place and she wanted me to go back in. Tactically, it was an advantage. They wouldn’t expect a saboteur to come back so soon, I knew the layout of the place and the strength of their agents, so this would be a piece of cake. The receptionist even recognized me and let me into the lower levels thinking I was supposed to be there. The stolen data for the military speeder was logged into a datapad that was in the repair bay. I was in and out in a puff of smoke.

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