Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering a guide to the Galactic Civil War. Here’s a taste:

There is a global tracking mechanism on all build-able planets that measures the state of the war at any given moment, and can be check ed on a planet by planet basis. Each individual planet has a score that is modified by placing bases for your faction, and destroying the bases of your enemy faction. The longer a base stays on the planet, the more it benefits the faction, and impacts the score on that planet. This score determines how many Faction Points all Bases, Faction troops , and Faction perks cost, and will vary from planet to planet based on the score for that planet. The more your faction is losing, the lower your cost will be in order to help you regain control of that planet. If your faction has a substantial lead over your enemy faction, the cost will be much higher. The score also determines the factional affiliation of cities on Corellia, Naboo and Tatooine.

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