Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, releasing details on the game’s new user control interface. The feature introduction to follow:

One of the biggest complaints from players about the SWG interface has always been the “alt key” functionality. In order to remove some of the cumbersome nature of that interface, a new user interface will be introduced to Star Wars Galaxies in the near future and we wanted to give you a sneak peak. This interface does not require the use of an “alt” key for any functionality. *waits for cheering to die down*

Eventually there will be two versions of this interface, one that is similar to other MMOGs (what some players refer to as a “WASD” set-up) and another that is more like the traditional SWG interface. Neither one of them will use the “alt” key.

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