Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering information about the Village of Aurilia. An excerpt:

The village of Aurilia was formed on the planet Dathomir by a small group of like-minded force sensitive refugees who had, for one reason or another, abandoned their old lives. Some of them were hunted by agents of the Empire, their strange knacks for piloting, healing, or combat making them dangerous to the Emperor, and the rumors of a Sith Lord who held a high power amongst the Imperials. Several of them had dealings with the Jedi council. Some were brought forward by Jedi warriors after discovering their natural abilities. Others who brought themselves to the Jedi, hoping to be trained or at least given some explanation for these strange gifts that made other people look upon them with fear or trepidation. All of them were turned away for various reasons: political ramifications (one of the villagers has a father in the Imperial Navy), age (many of them were too old to begin the training), aptitude (many did not display the qualities of a Jedi knight), or disinterest from the person themselves.

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