Star Wars Galaxies Design Talk

The lead systems designer for the most massive of the massive-multiplayer games in development, Anthony Castoro of Star Wars Galaxies, speaks up on what it’s like to design leading Star Wars systems in the game. That was bad, I know. Ah well. In general, it’s pretty general but worthwhile to see his commentary on how things are progressing in the design department over there at Verant… here’s some of what fell from the sycamore tree, so to speak:

…such a well-established license means there are going to be a lot of people who are going to have a lot of input on how things should be. That can be a scary situation, and it’s one I haven’t really been in before. Fortunately, working with Haden Blackman (Shug_Ninx) and LucasArts in general has been a very positive experience. Their areas of expertise are Star Wars and traditional gaming. Our expertise lies in massively multiplayer role-playing. From the beginning, the folks at LucasArts have set the expectation for the game’s fidelity to everything Star Wars, and at the same time they have been very open-minded on the special conditions that massively multiplayer games impose on the design.

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