Star Wars Galaxies Community Letter

Jason Ryan, events manager for Star Wars Galaxies, has written up a new “letter to the community” on the game’s official website. A snippet:

Working on events has been a fun job with its own set of challenges and unique rewards. MMORPG’s are very different from the FPS games I had worked on before due to the relentless march of time. The game doesn’t stop, so you can’t fall behind. It’s ever onward, brave soldier. On the plus side there are many interesting people to meet and with whom to interact and help with events. The role playing can be fabulous and I definitely enjoy taking the counter position whatever majority happens to be running the event. Nothing provides great RP fodder than arguing over how great the Empire is to dedicated Rebel, or berating Imperials for being on the wrong side (though arguing the pro-Empire side is more challenging).

To date we have helped out with a great many player events in many ways. The support we give usually depends on the schedule, the size of the request and the work being done by the players. Usually we provide temporary factional decorations and non-attackable factioned NPCs that help lend color and background to a role-play event. For PvP events we’ve been known to place recruiters to help fighters on both sides declare. Weddings are also very popular.

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