Star Wars Galaxies Bi-Weekly Q&A #7

The SWG Vault has dished up the seventh installment to their bi-weekly Q&A feature with the Star Wars Galaxies developers. A snippet:

Q: How does the developer team feel about Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided receiving such “harsh” reviews, yet continuing to have one of the most successful MMORPG’s yet (Subscription wise)? What do you attribute the game’s success to?

A: We’ve seen great review including several Game of the Year awards as well as some pretty harsh reviews. My feeling is that the game is currently in a very good state and improves dramatically with every themed publish. Aside from the strong appeal of the Star Wars license, I think Star Wars Galaxies has been fairly successful because of the wide range of play styles it appeals to. It isn’t the game for everyone, but it certainly has more breadth of things to do than most other games out there. We also spent a lot of time with good community tools. You may have a fantastic quick paced game, but if players don’t have good hooks to meet and play with one another, the MMO won’t have a long life. Currently, though I would say our success is really attributed to the design team taking the time to listen to the players and continually working to improve the experience.

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