Star Wars Galaxies 1st Gander

Though no screenies or artwork, no movies nor sound clips, basically no media, have been released for the 2002-planned MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, the developers are already actively updating the official page with info nuggets from the bboard posts, etc. The first of its kind that I’ve seen, ActionTrip put together a solid preview of what’s known and what’s not about the game I believe is going to introduce mass-market appeal to the online genre. A time-related dollop:

The game will take place in the period of Galactic Civil War, or more precisely, after the destruction of the first Death Star and the battle of Yavin. The developers chose this specific ‘Classic Era’ because most of the main characters are still alive and well (personally I think they just wanted to avoid characters like Jar Jar). A lot of loyal fans will be pleased with the fact that they can interact with these characters and become important individuals in the Star Wars Universe. Players will not be able to control any of the famous characters (Han, Luke, and Leia) because the basic plot might be spoiled that way.

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