Star Wars Fans Flee Net Galaxy has published an article entitled “Star Wars Fans Flee Net Galaxy” that details the negative reaction from players to LucasArts and Sony Online’s new Star Wars Galaxies: New Game Experience rollout. A snippet:

So what’s the big deal? It’s not merely that Galaxies players — some of whom have been playing as the same character in the same virtual world since the game’s 2003 launch — liked the old version just fine. It’s that the characters they’ve spent all this time building are gone.

“There is a sense of loss,” says network security specialist Brian Orr, who had been playing two characters — a master bounty hunter named DevNull and a Jedi Padawan named Chewbaccu — for more than two years. “I attempted to play by the new rules for a few days. However, the gameplay was horrid, and the bugs were intolerable. Needless to say, I canceled my account.”

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