Spooktacular Multiplayer Games for Halloween

Its Spooktober! Which means lots of sugary food, enjoying the company of well-dressed friends and the dispersal of gifts. Come to think of it that sounds a lot like Christmas. One thing Christmas and Halloween don’t have in common are games. There are plenty of games to play during Halloween. Especially with friends who are equally gaming inclined. So, sit back and be relatively unnerved as we go through this list of games to enjoy with friends on Halloween.

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead is one of gaming’s best-known franchises. The most prolific entry to the series being Left 4 Dead 2. It refined the formula Valve established in the first entry, four players shooting their way through a merciless horde of zombies to reach the escape, while also adding new enemies and modes to spice up the gameplay. Challenge can also be added with mutations making the game much harder.

Rather wonderfully, Left 4 Dead 2 also acquired Steam Workshop support, allowing players to tinker with their models to create a cacophony of madness. Using mods such as zombie skeletons or a Terry Crews Tank is the perfect way to celebrate Halloween.

Vermintide 2

Much like the first entry on the list Vermintide 2 is the second entry in a series about four heroes who slaughter hordes of malevolent creatures. Unlike Left 4 Dead 2, those creatures are rats. Humans are also there but they aren’t as interesting as the title enemies.

There are also more hero options allowing for a greater variety of ways for levels to play out. You can smash rats, shoot at range or set yourself on fire. Weapons are also interchangeable, with better versions being available the more you play. Much like Left 4 Dead, this game is best enjoyed with a party of people. All as eager as the next to kill some oversized rodents.

SCP Secret Laboratory

SCP Secret laboratory is a unique game based on the SCP collaborative writing site. Reason being that the game allows you to bargain with the monsters. Although they will likely betray you later down the line. For the most part the game revolves around players looking for items to escape or for other players to kill.

Players tend to begin in large groups, while they try to get their bearings. But often towards the end, players will find themselves alone, which creates a great sense of unease that is required from a horror game. Unless you are playing as a peanut on steroids, in which case you will find yourself cackling maniacally as you charge round snapping necks.


Deceit is a free to play horror game akin in style to games like Trouble in Terrorist Town. You are placed in a room with five other players, two of whom are infected. Innocent players must work out who is infected and infected must kill the innocent.

A sinister narrator and a time limit add challenge to each team’s objective. Small maps make it hard for the infected to do what they need to do without getting caught, but also make it hard for the innocent to elude them once they have transformed. Each side must use their wit to win and the games challenge only improves when playing with friends. Certainly, a great game for a group to play during Halloween.

We Were Here Too

We Were Here Too is a coop puzzle game set in a frozen castle. Both players are sent down different routes of the castle and must work together to escape its depths. While at face value it sounds more escape room than Halloween, exploring the castle will allow the player to witness a mysterious ghost jester. After noticing this presence, the castle suddenly takes on a much more sinister vibe. Always making you feel like you are being watched.

The puzzles themselves also become quite spooky when they become timed death traps that make both players panic. In the end the players are faced with a disastrous choice if they weren’t paying enough attention, leaving the other to be the castles eternal janitor.

These games leave you with chills down your spine? Or know a game with more terror than these games combined? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright

Joseph is a 20-year-old male who enjoys a variety of video game genres from shooters to strategy, not that he is any good at any of them. He has always enjoyed video games from his childhood as a dedicated Nintendo fan to his exploration of the PC gaming world, which started with Portal 2. Outside of gaming there really isn’t a lot to Joseph. He’d describe his personality as the hat he is wearing which doesn’t really provide a lot of information outside the fact he played too much Team Fortress 2 and picked up some bad habits.

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