Spells of Genesis Update Adds Multiplayer Raid PvP

A few weeks ago, I got my hands on new block breaking / collectible card game on the iOS called Spells of Genesis. Apart from the interesting mix of gaming genres, it is also one of the few games to be using a new form of bit currency by way of the Book of Orbs. If you want to fill in the details of your knowledge you can go back to my review here. Well, Spells of Genesis now has new multiplayer PvP asynchronous raid gameplay, so you can now play against your friends or indeed your enemies if they also happen to play.

The chaps and chapesses at EverdreamSoft are very excited about the new development…

Spells of Genesis Raid Screenshot 1“We’re thrilled to bring even more excitement to our fantasy trading card game by allowing players to enjoy the arcade gameplay of Spells of Genesis with their friends and fellow card collectors through asynchronous multiplayer.” said Shaban Shame, EverdreamSoft CEO. “Adding PvP made perfect sense to establish further engagement and exhilaration for the fans.”

So, if you need a reason to dive back into Spells of Genesis or maybe simply haven’t got around to trying it yet, then there’s no better time to try than now. You can download Spells of Genesis in all its glory from the App Store or the Google Play store.

About EverdreamSoft

Spells of Genesis Raid Screenshot 2EverdreamSoft (EDS) is a Swiss-based company specialized in the development of mobile games and applications. EverdreamSoft explores current and upcoming new technologies and their potential application in the entertainment world. With their flagship game, Spells of Genesis, globally launched on April 20th 2017, EDS is pioneering “true ownership” of digital assets to their players, while building a precedent of Bitcoin blockchain integration in games. The company is also developing a Blockchain Gaming Platform, which will allow more game studios to embrace blockchain technology and to enter a new age for the game industry. For more information please visit the company website.

About All 4 Games

All 4 Games is Channel 4’s Glasgow-based games publishing arm, formed in September 2015 to provide premium support to small, talented indie developers within the mobile games sector. Led by industry veteran Colin Macdonald, Channel 4’s Games Commissioning Editor and Head of All 4 Games, the core games team boast over sixty years of collective experience and a genuine passion for gaming. The All 4 Games label builds on Channel 4’s reputation as an ally for independent creatives by elevating developers and helping them launch successful mobile games globally. Channel 4 currently commissions up to six funded games per year in association with its flagship programme brands, already achieving mass global audiences and critical acclaim with The Snowman, Made in Chelsea, Hollyoaks and Reverse The Odds receiving multiple nominations and wins at BAFTA, Digital Emmy, Broadcast Digital and BIMA awards. For more information please visit: www.all4games.co.uk


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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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