SpellForce III Reviews

In case our own review of SpellForce III or the other round-ups we’ve provided aren’t enough to sway your purchasing decision on Grimlore Games RTS/RPG crossbreed, we’ve taken the liberty to send you over to several additional reviews that have been published for the game.

GameSpot gives it a 7/10:

While both the RPG and RTS elements presented here stay true to form, the overall game is more than the sum of its parts because of how it makes such disparate concepts serve the goal of creating a militaristic role-playing epic. Incorporating base- and army-building into a traditional role-playing formula adds a scope and weight that would not be present if the game never went beyond three or four guys swinging swords and slinging spells. The end result may not be innovative, but it is an interesting and entertaining tweak of RPG conventions offering a lot to anyone looking for something offbeat and engaging.

Hardcore Gamer gives it a 4/5:

SpellForce 3 has delivered on the potential it showed while still in development. Enjoying the layered gameplay and story requires a decent time commitment, but for an experience of this type and scope, diving right into it proves surprisingly easy. It might not be the deepest individual RTS or RPG experience ever created, but it’s no slouch in either department and the successful merger of the two game styles creates a rather unique experience. Hardcore CRPG or RTS fans might find the game systems for the respective genres less complex than some of their favorites, but as far as complexity is concerned, less is more was the way to go. A good analogy of the playstyle for SpellForce 3 for RPG fans is to think of it as a dual class; it may not reach pinnacle of either genre, but does good at both where the combination is greater than the sum of its parts. The idea of magic users being used as a scapegoat for the world’s problems and being hunted isn’t the most original idea, but the development team put enough of their own spin on this concept where it doesn’t just tread over the same familiar themes. 2017 was already a great year for RPGs and SpellForce 3 adds another entry on an already impressive list as the year comes to a close.

GameCrate gives it a 7.25/10:

SpellForce 3 is an amazing effort that falls short of its goal due to crippling bugs and some questionable game design choices. However, the development team appears to be committed to their game and is resolving bugs and balancing issues almost every day. By the time you finish reading this review, SpellForce 3 may be the game I was expecting when I bought it. Despite that, I spent over 60 hours playing the campaign, and I can’t say that I didn’t have a good time.

Skewed & Reviewed gives it a 4.5/5:

SpellForce 3, should be commended on its unique blend of RPG and RTS. When your army is needed, it’s because the story has taken you there, and the transition between RTS and RPG is done seamlessly. The characters are interesting (if not entirely memorable), and the battles are massive and while at times can be a bit overwhelming, are enjoyable none-the-less. It did take an hour or two for me to really get into the game as the early stages in the game act as a tutorial and take you through adventuring 101 and RTS 101. It’s necessary and does move the story along, but it just takes a bit for it to get going. Once it does however, you are in for an incredible adventure. If you are a big RPG fan, then this is a game to pick up. If you are strictly an RTS fan, and looking for a game that does this genre extremely well, then there are better games to play. However, If you are interested in or enjoy both, then this is the game for you.

DarkStation gives it a 4/5:

With co-op and additional skirmish modes available on top of the main campaign, SpellForce 3 is a generous — and largely successful — merger of two genres. While it isn’t the world’s deepest or most complex RPG nor gaming’s most substantial RTS, it is a very effectively constructed and balanced hybrid and most important, makes a strong and compelling case that the mashup works. With over a decade between installments, it’s not like the SpellForce franchise has overstayed its welcome. It’s perfectly timed to delight both fans of the series and surprise new players looking for something new and different.

GameWatcher gives it a 7.0/10:

In the end, SpellForce 3 is a unique mix of strategy and RPG mechanics that miraculously loses very few of either. It asks no knowledge of the previous titles, and features co-op and PvP multiplayer modes in addition to the rather long single-player campaign. Ironically, in an age of MOBAs and strategy-less strategy games, this years-old staple of game design feels surprisingly refreshing.

And KGK gives it a 9/10:

The story is very rich and filled with cinematic detail as well as an intense soundtrack to follow the story as you progress through the world of Eo. The beauty the game holds is unparalleled in offering vast detail in scenery both during cinematic scenes and during levels. You can easily get lost in the story and forget about time completely while you enjoy such a stunning and exciting storyline.

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