South Park: The Stick of Truth Preview

Joystiq has turned its attention to Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming South Park: The Stick of Truth. Based on the Comic Con 2012 demo, it’s not the most detailed preview ever, but the impressions, overall, are positive, as the author cites both humor and the game’s RPG mechanics that are both parodied by the game and sincerely implemented.

On the RPG side of the game:

The other reason the game works is because it’s effective parody that plays with both South Park’s setting, and Obsidian’s classic computer RPG background. While South Park games in the past have mostly been about the characters spouting catchphrases while shooting or racing, this one’s got an actual story that follows the conventions of a game like Neverwinter Nights 2 or Dungeon Siege 3 to the letter. There’s a full inventory and currency system, and the retro combat is reminiscent of Costume Quest with a few arcade twists.

You get a quest, just like a “real” RPG, but it’s Cartman telling you to go get him some Kung Pao chicken. Weapons can be modified to add poison or fire attacks, but the weapon is a toilet plunger, and the modifier makes characters vomit when sick. You put your name in at the beginning just like a standard RPG, but Cartman disregards whatever you type in and calls you Douchebag instead. When Cartman sets you off on your quest, he echoes all of those RPGs you’ve played before, before throwing the convention right into comedy land: “Will you seize your destiny,” he asks, “or will you be a disappointment, like Butters?”

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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