South Park Studios and THQ Battle Over South Park: The Stick of Truth Legal Rights

While THQ was filing for bankruptcy, it looked like South Park: The Stick of Truth’s future would have been relatively bright, given that the game was almost done and another publisher would almost assuredly immediately pick up the publishing rights and get it to the shelves.

Today, as THQ’s assets go to auction, the situation doesn’t look as rosy, as noticed by NeoGAF user sangreal: South Park Studios has filed an objection essentially claiming that the rights to publish the game should revert to them, while it’s clear that THQ doesn’t agree at all, and wants to push with their plans to shop the rights themselves at their auction.

While the most likely scenario is still that a publisher will pick it up and finance the last marketing/development push itself, it now looks like the game could potentially be locked up in a legal limbo. We’ll keep you covered on this situation as it develops.

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