Sony Online Entertainment Interview

FileFront was able to track down Sony Online’s Matt Wilson for a quick interview about his position at the company’s newly opened Seattle studio. A little something to start you off:

Q: What would you rank as your top five MMOGs?

A: If played is a measure of favorites, my favorite would be EverQuest. It was the first to keep me playing past 6 months straight. Even though there were many before it that I played and enjoyed, EverQuest was the first one where I wished I could suppress the needs of my bodily functions.

Top 5:
EverQuest (My first true love in the MMP space)
WoW (Did I say accessible? Easy is fun!)
AC 1.0 (Great community, great online events)
UO (The first to take big chances and have them payoff.)
Allegiance (RTSMMO in space? No really.)

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