Solasta: Crown of the Magister Update – Everybody Loves Magic Items

Following the recent Steam Summer Festival, the Tactical Adventures team introduced a handy new feature to their D&D-based CRPG Solasta: Crown of the Magister that tells you if and why you have advantage or disadvantage in combat.

Apart from sharing this bit of news, the latest development update for the game shows off some recently-added magic items, a bunch of fresh art, and more. Check out the link above to see the actual images and animations, and here are the text bits:

Hey there folks,

We’ve spent a lot of time on our Combat Video Dev Diary, so this week’s Dev Update will be a little bit lighter than usual. Fun fact, around the same time last year we were hard at work to get our first version of the Ruins of Telema ready for GenCon 2019. Back then, we were both eager… and anxious – it was the first time Solasta would be playable by anyone unrelated to the project. Would people come to play it? Would they like it? Did we make the right choice coming to GenCon – an event primarily centered around tabletop – with our video game?

Thankfully, everything went fantastic. Tabletop players flocked to our game stations (we only had two available!) and queues started to form – we even had a couple of fans arriving before us in the morning to get a chance at playing the demo. If you’re curious, we did a small recap with pictures here.

Anyway, back to today’s Dev Update. But before that[…]

Do I Roll One or Two Dice?

Let’s start by showing off one of the most requested feature during the Steam Summer Festival: A tooltip telling you why you have advantage / disadvantage (or when they cancel out). Many of you highlighted the fact that it wasn’t always obvious why you were rolling with advantage or disadvantage (most often the latter), and thus couldn’t adapt your next turn to avoid running into the same problem. Well, we just implemented a first version to help you with that (WIP as usual)!

Magic Items, Yes!

We’ve just started implemented magic items with active powers! Staff of Fire? Check. Wand of Magic Missiles? Check. Boots of Levitation? Check.

Art for the Art God!

It wouldn’t be a proper Solasta Dev Update without a healthy dose of gorgeous environment now would it?

Special Effects for a Special Audience

Let’s end today’s short update with a couple of spells and… a little update on the Ghoul, which will soon be implemented ingame!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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